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Please download the app from official sources only. Third-party stores can be malicious.

Is VShop safe?

VShop is secure. We do not process or collect any account data. When you log in, we use a specific cookie string that makes it possible to request an API (Application Programming Interface) and get all the data about your store. No passwords are transmitted & stored.

Can I be banned if I use VShop?

Riot Games officially said in a Tweet that using unauthorized third party apps is bannable.

We have been informed about three cases on our Discord in the year 2023, where the users of VShop have been banned. We are unable to explain these cases. Riot Games falsely bans some accounts due to third party software. Even when the account holders don't even use apps like VShop.

We take these cases very seriously, but Riot Games does not give detailed information about why they were banned, so we can't say 100% that VShop is responsible.

If you suspect a problem with your account in connection with VShop, please fill out this form.