Is VShop safe?
VShop is secure. We do not process or collect any account data. When you launch the app, it displays a web view of the official Riot Games login page. Once you click login, we get your authorization token and use it to securely authenticate requests to the official API (Application Programming Interface) to, among other things, fetch your shop just like the game would. No credentials are transmitted to us or stored. The entire process is encrypted via HTTPS. In addition, the code is completely open source on GitHub, so you can take a look for yourself if you like. We aim to be as transparent as possible. If you have any further questions about the security of the app, please feel free to contact us on our Discord.
Can I be banned if I use VShop?
Riot Games officially stated in a Tweet that using unauthorized third-party apps is bannable.
In 2023, we were informed about three cases on our Discord where users of VShop were banned. We are unable to explain these cases. Riot Games sometimes bans accounts due to third-party software, even when the account holders report not using apps like VShop.
In 2024, we have not been informed of any similar cases.
We take these cases very seriously. However, Riot Games does not provide detailed information about the reasons for these bans, so we cannot confirm with certainty that VShop is responsible.
If you suspect an issue with your account related to VShop, please create a Thread in our Discord server.
Does VShop use any analytics software?
Yes, we use analytics software, but it is a particularly data protection-friendly solution. We only use the open source software Plausible, which works completely anonymously and is hosted by us in Germany. This solution helps us to identify potential problems on the app.
We do not see any of your data at any time.